Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lightweight Jacket for Spring

So every month I take on the challenge of finding a full outfit for $10.00 or less. Yup you read that right $10.00 or less. Although sometimes I don’t always hit my goal I get pretty darn close. For this month I wanted to find a lightweight jacket for spring. Once I found a Jacket the rest of the outfit fell into place.
I found an Old Navy Jacket at one of the local thrift store for only ($7.00) it was in perfect condition. I also found a great pair of boot cut jeans there as well, for only ($5.00). To add the splash of color, I bought a new blue shirt on clearance at Old Navy for only ($2.99). So in all my total came up to $15.00, which is $5.00 dollars over my target goal, but with a savings of over $70.00 I thinking it was money well spent.


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